Welcome Everyone!

Hope you enjoy this blog about my trip and experiences in Japan. Leave me comments just to say hello, or ask me questions about the trip. Maybe I'll answer them? Who knows.

- Riley

Thursday, September 16, 2010

English = Ah-mazing!

English class today was so much fun! Ms. Hayashi, the teacher who is looking after us while we are here, was teaching it. It was with 4C, so the girls were two years older than us, but that's okay. We got into four groups, wrote questions on pieces of paper and randomly picked them out of a pile to talk about. Our table was so loud! We were having a blast. Questions were like, "What do you want to do while you are in Japan?", "What is your favourite music?", "Do you have a boyfriend?", "What is your school in Canada like?", and, my personal favourite, "Do you like Afternoon Tea?", which was the drink I was sipping on during class. :) We were laughing so hard at some things! Sigh. I think I will go back there and give them each a pin or something. They were so nice!!

During our break, Mina, Claudia and I made our own version of "Potter Puppet Pals: Mysterious Ticking Noise". Going to work on that tonight. I also told Claudia I'd put the pictures from her camera on her blog for her since she didn't bring a computer to Japan and doesn't want to upload her photos to her homestay family's computer.

We did Pukura after school today. So much fun!! Here are the results:

Numero Uno

Number Twoooooo

Here is also an awesome picture from yesterday that I took outside a castle we were looking at.

Perfect timing!

That's all for now.
xoxo Riley


  1. Hello Riley, here is 7:00AM and I am trying to get Vicky up, I think I will start implementing your Japanese sister's method, ha ha ha. We are glad to see how much fun you are having and how well you are all adjusting. Enjoy every moment. Silvina (Vicky's Mom)

  2. Meghan THE AWESOMEST EVERRRSeptember 16, 2010 at 7:26 AM

    Keep on having A BLAST buddy! You are a lucky, lucky child missing all this homework :)
    Love the photos, specially the last one!!
    Miss you MUCHO!
    Love Meghan :)

  3. Hey Riley!!!!!!!!! glad to see you guys are all having so much fun ;)
    Its funny that you were doing the harry potter puppet pals: MTN Cuz we were doing that yesterday in drama!!!! lol we had to sing the song (i was dumbledore) lol thats soooo weird :s :P
    Say hi to everyone for me!!!!!!!!!
    Lots of love,
    Vicky :D

  4. PS the Pukura pictures look like the cover of a magazine!!!!

  5. THe photos are great, Riley. Make sure that you get into some of them! Are there any wild fashion things you want to buy there? What stands out to you with what kids are wearing? Good luck making the pancakes...remember lumpy batter is a good thing! Love Mum

  6. Hey Riley Emmi here
    sorry i havent been getting up at 5:30 am to talk to you. (not really) I just checked your blog after not having read it in a couple of days. Sounds like you are having a good time. I agree with mom! Get in the photos we want to see some of the things you do. No what everyone else does!! Keep blogging, its really interesting to follow. im off to strath on sunday, and am not looking forward to the food or tarp night!!!! WE had run for the cure on wednesday and I was the first person done in the whole school!! i ran with Julia in grade 11. shes really nice. Yeah so thats about it. Have fun.
    Not very much love, Emmi
