Welcome Everyone!

Hope you enjoy this blog about my trip and experiences in Japan. Leave me comments just to say hello, or ask me questions about the trip. Maybe I'll answer them? Who knows.

- Riley

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Holy Crow!

Tomorrow's the big day! I'm getting excited... Like, super duper excited! But I'm also nervous. I just found out from my host family that I won't be getting off at the station that everyone else is getting off at, but at another station about an hour away. Mum called Mr. Campbell (the teacher going on the trip with us) to say, "Under no circumstances will Riley be riding the train alone. She will be an overtired, non Japanese speaking fourteen-year-old, and will not know when and where to get off." Thanks, Mum.

School started today. We got our lockers in the Student Lounge in a good area out of the way. I don't like my lock, and it doesn't like me, but hopefully we will learn to like each other in the future. Claudia and I are editors of the Newspaper's Entertainment section. I made it on to Yearbook, which Ms. Pardell is running this year. Outreach is good. Ms. Penner said I won't miss much, as it will probably be one meeting, if that.

So yeah. I'm looking forward to going to Japan. I'll try to write a post tomorrow in the airport if I can find internet connection.

Wish me luck!
xoxo Riley


  1. so what are you so how are you getting to your host families house? XD i cant wait to see how this turns out:) jk its all gonna be good! CANT WAIT TO ENTERTAIN THE STUDENTS OF SMS WITH YOU!!!!! see you tomorrow (eekkkkk!!!)

  2. Entertain? This should be interesting... I'll try and find some stuff for us to do. I have my string, so we can make bracelets. I'll find some cards, and I have magazines. One that my mum accidentally got for me, so we can make fun of the people in them! Ha ha. See you in 12.5 hours! xoxoxo

  3. I think I am just as nervous as Riley and I lived in Japan! The girls will have such a great time and it will be over so quickly. I hope they sleep on the plane a bit but I rather doubt it.

  4. Oh, Mother. What happens on the plane, stays on the plane. :D
