Welcome Everyone!

Hope you enjoy this blog about my trip and experiences in Japan. Leave me comments just to say hello, or ask me questions about the trip. Maybe I'll answer them? Who knows.

- Riley

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vancouver Airport

Well, I'm in the Vancouver Airport now, waiting to board my airplane. We are all pretty bored, but that's alright. We will be troupers! We had a mishap already. Martine lost her passport, and we can't find it anywhere. Her dad is flying in so that she will be able to get a new passport, so hopefully she will be able to join us in Japan in a few days.

Not much else to say. Olivia, Mina, Meg, Catherine, Emily, Kristen, Claudia and Martine say hi. :)

xoxo Riley


  1. Hi Riley,
    Glad you guys are still doing ok. Poor Martine. She will catch up so that will be good but disappointing for her. That's why I have been so hard on you with keeping track of everything and being so careful. Love you. Have fun on the flight. Buy something to eat before you go.

    Love, Mum

  2. hey riley em here im sitting in the nurses office on tracy's computer. so martine already lost her passport. poor sucker. hope u r having a good time with your friends. be sure to say hi to your host family 4 me. lots of love emmi


    Thats sucks for Martine...she must of been pretty upset. That is a TRUE Meghan moment right there ;) Hope everything else is going okay! I'm going to see Cirque du Soleil tonight! WAHOO! In my PE class I have 29 people...Ms. Scott said some of us will have to go into the Gr. 10 PE class in the same block as us...I also had HCE today. I hate it. As for the other classes, it was just the same old same old. WE HAVE HOMEWORK IN SCIENCE AND IT'S THE SECOND DAY >:( Anyway enough of my complaining...I miss you guys already. It was very lonely today :( Hope you have a safe flight!


    P.S. Say hi to everyone! Tell tham I miss them like an INSANE CRAZY RUH-TARTED WOMAN ;)

  4. Awwwwww poor martine!!!!!! :'(
    that must have sucked so much!!!
    btw, did Haddas make it????
    my parents were at the airport at 10 but she wsn't there yet......

    Vicky <3

  5. Hey Riley,

    This is Dee...please make sure that you keep in contact with your mom for the next 3 weeks or my life will be hell...lol.
    I can't imagine what she would be like if you were gone as long as Marc is going to New Zealand (Lord have mercy)!!
    I wish you only happiness and good things. I was sorry to hear about your friend loosing her passport...Double Drag!!
    Enjoy every minute because you will be home before you know it...take care...loads of love from home....Dee oxoxoxxoxo
