Welcome Everyone!

Hope you enjoy this blog about my trip and experiences in Japan. Leave me comments just to say hello, or ask me questions about the trip. Maybe I'll answer them? Who knows.

- Riley

Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally Here

I arrived at my homestay family's house last night. Very late. I got like, four hours of sleep last night, and am still so tired from being up for at least 24 hours straight! Shion is very happy to see me, as is the rest of my homestay family.

Today at school is a festival of some sort. I got to sleep in until 6:30 (as opposed to 5:00 am), and I am still a big jet lagged. It is very hot here, so that was one of the factors to not sleeping well. But hopefully once my suitcase arrives today, all will be well.

At the train station last night, all the host families were there. It was really cool. They all had signs with different SMS girls' names on them. Mina and I met up with one of the teachers and her host sister (who is Shion's best friend) and we rode the train to Fuji Station. There, my host family was waiting for me.

I will post pictures as soon as I can. I have to get going to the festival soon. Mum and Dad, I miss you so much. You have no idea.

xoxo Riley


  1. Hey riley em here again! just want to say that i got 11 hours of sleep last night in a cold room in my footie pajamas snuggled warmly into my own bed!! dont worry im just kidding! i hope you find time to catch up on your sleep and remeber to get me a hello kitty head band!!! Mom is so worried about you and hopes that you are having a good time. So yeah not much is happening, other than me getting stuck on composting duty after school today. WE are going out for chinese tonight so i promise do eat lots of cooked celery for you! BLEACk!!!!!

    lots of love Emmi

  2. Awww Isn't Emmi sooooooo sweet! She totally misses you ya know :) So do I for that matter...I miss all you guys!! Hope your first day went EXTREMELY well!
    xoxo Meghan
